So here we go- bear with me!

So I'll start with an apology and a request. I apologise to all bloggers. I could not see the point of blogging. I could not imagine anyone would want to know the minutiae of my life on a regular basis. I mean, I know I am famous for my frequent posts on social networks but somehow posting about shared experiences for friends and family seems different to telling the world. But the children are growing and I miss writing ( I used to be a journalist) so I thought I'd give it a go.

And my request? Please be tolerant as I learn my way round this new skill- I'll do my best to be informative, interesting and occasionally amusing.

So here we go- starting with an introduction;
I am blessed with 7 children, 5 boys and 2 girls aged from 4-18. Yes, all with the same partner, my very laid back husband of 20 years who indulges my love of maternity clothes and baby buggies. And yes, we do have a TV.

We are church- going Anglican Christians living in a gorgeous little village complete with picturesque pond and stocks, overlooked by a forest in the Chilterns area of Hertfordshire, England.
I am a bit of a foody- love organising show-off dinner parties and am never happier than when I'm planning a menu for friends to enjoy.

My eldest son is a music-loving, hard working copy of his dad. Laid back and lovely. Living in a flat above a pub just a couple of miles away. 18. Living above a pub. Living every teenage boy's dream.
My second son is intelligent and eccentric. And very private so don't expect to hear much about him. Next is my 13 year old. Suffered a lifetime of health problems. Very spiritual. Loves chocolate.

My first daughter- sporty, slim, smiley. Then another boy, a 7 year old who strangely is very posh. I mean, we are not trailer trash but really- he's very posh. Next is my youngest daughter- the princess of the family. All swishy hair, matching outfits and hair accessories and sparkly stuff. Nothing like her older sister who would wear ripped leggings teamed with her dads hoody and her brothers trainers to go to a wedding if I let her.

And then there's my baby. Brioche boy. Seriously, if I cut him in half ( which I wouldn't, obviously, that would be wrong and creepy) I would not be surprised to see dough and choc chips. Quite odd and a bit precocious.
So there you have it. A slow start to explain who we are but I'll post as often as I can think of something I think might entertain you all. Bye for now......

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