Stay Safe Whatever The Weather - Check Your Tyres.

It was late. I'd been for dinner with friends. We were all tired and chatting quietly as my friend drove down the two-lane bypass back to our town. All of a sudden there was a loud bang and the car veered sharply to the left.

A tyre had blown out. Luckily my friend was not driving too fast and because it was late there was no vehicles anywhere near us. My friend wrangled the car to the hard shoulder and we all sat there, shocked. It was a scary experience and one I don't want to repeat.

angry cat meme

Since that day I have been somewhat paranoid about my own tyres and regularly check them for bulges, tread wear and inflation levels. I even bought my own pump which plugs into the charger socket of my car so I can check every tyre weekly without hunting for small change and hoping the timer on the garage air supply allows me to get round all four tyres!

Of course this week we have Snowmagedden threatening so it's particularly important to make time to check your tyres before heading off in treacherous icy, snowy or slushy conditions.  Consider investing in winter tyres - I know it's already February but you can have them swapped for summer tyres soon and they will still be good for next winter.

I'm always a bit wary of going into garages selling tyres. Maybe it's a completely inaccurate perception but I feel they see a woman and try and fob me off with higher priced parts.

I like to order tyres online from sites like Jet Wheel Tyre I can browse prices anonymously. Then I know I am getting the best deal.

It's very simple to find which tyres are right for your vehicle. You can just type in your car registration number or check what type of tyres you already have on your car by copying down the characters moulded into each tyre wall and typing them into a simple form.


Some online sites offer to simply deliver tyres for you to fit yourself, others offer an on the driveway or at work service while other sites have dedicated fitting centres.

I prefer getting tyres professionally fitted as it's important to get them balanced making them safer and more fuel efficient.

On a final note, especially with Russian blizzards heading our way, make sure you check your spare tyre! It might mean the difference between a night in front of the tv or on the roadside in your cold car if you slither on ice into a kerb, your tyre pops and only THEN do you you realise your spare is flat and bald spare and as useful as a chocolate teapot!

tyre safety

Disclaimer: collaborative post.