How Eating Can Asparagus Help Your Body

Nutritious asparagus is packed with essential minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins. Eating pickled asparagusis equally delicious and low in calories. This savory and succulent vegetable is 93% water, has low sodium content, and combines powerful nutrients to ensure a healthy digestive system and energy boost.

asparagus on wooden board:Photo by Christine Siracusa on Unsplash

Asparagus is used globally in the culinary world and is available in white, green, and purple shades. You can boil, roast, grill, sauté, or steam this versatile veggie when incorporating it into your diet.

Select fresh asparagus that has tightly closed tips and firm stems. Besides using it in salads, pasta, and stir-fries, it makes the perfect side dish. 

Enumerated here are compelling reasons to include this veggie in your regular diet, including pickled asparagus:

Boosts Your Brain  

Eating asparagus is known to help your brain fight cognitive decline due to its high folate content. It is considered an anti-aging food as it contributes to your folate levels. 

marble statue head with exposed brain:Photo by David Matos on Unsplash

Folate is a nutrient that aids a healthy pregnancy and critical bodily processes like cell growth. Further, research shows that healthy folate levels in older adults can be responsible for their mental flexibility and speed while responding. 

Rids Your Body of Excess Salts

Thanks to the amino acid asparagine present in high levels, you tend to urinate more frequently when your diet is rich in asparagus. Increased urination releases bodily fluids and, with it, excess salts. 

Should you suffer from heart-related diseases or high blood pressure, your body tissues are likely to accumulate fluids. These get thankfully released each time you end up urinating, thereby preventing the onset of urinary tract infections. 

Improves Digestive Health

Since this green veggie has high insoluble fiber, it supports your regular bowel movements. Fiber assists with moving food through your gut and keeping your digestive system healthy. You are not likely to experience any discomfort or bloating sensation during the digestive process.

Beneficial for Weight Loss

Besides being low in calories and fat, asparagus is also an excellent food for people trying to lose weight. The human body takes time to digest fiber, so you do not feel hunger pangs as often. That satiated feeling prevents you from snacking in between meals, thus helping reduce your overall calorie intake, eventually leading to weight loss.

Keeps Your Heart Healthy 

The antioxidants and vitamin B complex in asparagus reduce the risk of contracting heart diseases. Even the high vitamin K levels help with blood clotting, thereby safeguarding your heart. Asparagus’ impressive anti-inflammatory properties also lower your chances of developing type 2 diabetes. 

Eases Hangovers

After indulging in an overdose of alcohol, you may have to battle a bad hangover. Having a side of asparagus the following day can ease that otherwise severe hangover effect. The amino acids and minerals in this vegetable also protect your liver cells from the toxins present in alcohol.    

When buying asparagus, opt for thicker spears as these are more tender than their slimmer counterparts. If they look wilted, limp, or have a foul odor, refrain from choosing those asparagus stems. Since you trim the base before cooking the asparagus, woody bases are tolerable but avoid spears that are tough throughout. 

Source the freshest farm produce from an online supplier specializing in wholesome and healthy food products.