Can CBD Vape Juice Keep You Cool In Scorching Heat?

We live in an era where almost all our work qualifies for in-office management. We seldom go out of our rooms, and when we do, we face challenges like harmful skin conditions and eye damage from the scorching sunlight. After trying several cosmetic products ranging from sunscreens and anti-aging creams to covering our whole bodies, we hardly found any tangible solutions. But, some people think that a new age of the food and wellness industry has led us to a product that may do it all!


CBD Vape Oil may be a new name for some of you, while some may recognize CBD for its immense popularity. This article shows us if CBD vape oil can become our friend and defend us from the scorching heat, especially now that summer is just around the corner!



What is Vaping?

Vaping is a trend that has captured the entire youth market. It is a new-age cigarette substitute. Smoking a cigarette is incredibly harmful. Residues like tar remain in our lungs for an extended period and cause harm for a long time. 


Vaping involves the inhalation of vapors. These vapors come from a liquid containing nicotine, flavors, a few chemicals, and sometimes CBD. It is commonly known as e-liquid or vape juice. A device called a vape or an e-cigarette creates this aerosol. This device is an accurate representation of the younger generation. It involves a techy pen-like device that operates on batteries for a generation that excels in new-age technology and inventions. The nicotine content in vapes is lesser than in cigarettes. They are inhaled into the user's lungs and then expelled via the nose and the mouth. This process helps users consume nicotine, cannabis-based products, or other drugs via the mouthpiece.


What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is a product we get from the "marijuana plant," Cannabis sativa. Although you might know it as the marijuana plant, CBD comes more from legal hemp. It has been in use for many years and is one of the most vital components of the cannabis plant. It shares the recreational benefits but without the intoxicating effects of THC. THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the substance that gets marijuana users high. In legal CBD, the THC content is very little. Hence, it does not get you high and lets you continue your work. Its uses range from treating anxiety to helping fight against chronic pain. It is also promising in boosting appetite and acts as an impressive sedative, inducing quality sleep. Hence, now we understand the product better. Let us see its benefits against scorching sunlight.


Effects of sunlight

Before protecting ourselves from sunlight, we first need to understand the effects of sunlight. Firstly, let us see the negative impacts that extended exposure to sunlight can have on our bodies. The most damaged parts are our skin and eyes. Overexposure to sunlight can lead to increased lines and wrinkles on your skin and faster aging. Many people also get freckles that darken over time due to overexposure to sunlight. Discoloration of the skin is another common issue. Our capillaries and veins get exposed the longer we stay in the sun. Our skin loses elasticity when we spend too much time in direct sunlight. Too much sunlight can even lead to certain types of skin cancer! The UV rays from the sun also damage our eyes over a long period.


However, it is not all harmful when it comes to sunlight. Sunlight also helps our body with Vitamin D. It is essential for our bone health, immunity system, and blood cells. It helps us absorb minerals like phosphorus and calcium. Although most of us usually get enough Vitamin D from our diets, its scarcity is still an issue for many. Lack of Vitamin D can lead to rickets in children, which drastically weakens and softens their bones. Exposing ourselves to sunlight for a few minutes in the morning is also said to be helpful for us to fall asleep at night.


How can CBD Vape Juice Keep You Cool In Scorching Heat?

As we have now understood the effects of sunlight on our bodies, let us see how CBD vape juice can save us from the scorching heat! 


For starters, CBD is a substance that has proven to do good for our overall skin health. It comes infused in many skin creams and cosmetics to boost the quality and health of our skin. One of CBD's potential benefits includes protection from certain kinds of cancer. Hence, it may be our shield against sunlight. Many CBD skin creams also have anti-aging properties that help us look fresher and younger. Therefore, they might take care of your wrinkle-related worries!


Many people also use CBD for better eye health due to its neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties. Some users claim it may help reduce pain due to strain on our eyes. However, some authorities say it is better to use CBD with caution as it may worsen some conditions like glaucoma. According to some people, CBD and Vitamin D3 also go well together. Many athletes also use Cannabidiol before or after their training regimes for better recovery. Adding Vitamin D3 to the mix may be better for your bones and keep you motivated to work harder every time! CBD can also help you sleep due to its impressive sedating abilities. These properties added together may reduce your need to get exposed to sunlight for extended periods, saving you from the potential damages.



As we have seen, CBD is a reassuring product with many proven health benefits. Its advantages range from alleviating pain to helping you deal with stress, anxiety, and better sleep. It may even help you fight skin diseases and promote overall well being. Due to such promising qualities, it has gathered love from worldwide and become a fan favorite. Its versatility and wide range of benefits ensure you don't go out in the scorching heat to develop your bone health or sleep better at night. However, remember that many of these studies are still relatively premature. We need more research and a better understanding of the product to have concrete proof of its effects. 


If you find CBD intriguing, you can always try it out in vapes or through the various forms. However, remember that you must only buy from reputed and reliable vendors to ensure top quality and compliance with the laws. In the USA, CBD products with less than 0.3% THC are legal on a federal level. However, ensure to check the laws in your area before buying. Lastly, remember to consult a doctor to ensure maximum security, especially if you have any diseases.