The Importance of Hormone Testing for You and Your Family

As the world is progressing towards being more aware of health issues the essential activity of getting regular health checks has actually begun to rise. Health checkups are one of the most reliable ways to make sure that you and your family are medically fit. One test that is not so common but should be done every now and then is the hormone test.

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 What are Hormones and How do They Function?

Hormones are chemical messengers that are released by the endocrine glands and travel through the bloodstream to other parts of the body. They regulate many activities, including metabolism, growth, reproduction, moods, and emotions.

Hormones are essential for maintaining homeostasis in your body. These chemical messengers travel through your blood to different organs and tissues in order to regulate various functions such as moods, emotions, metabolism, etc.

The Problem with Not Checking Hormones

The problem with not checking hormones is that it can lead to a number of health problems for you and your family. For example, high levels of testosterone can cause acne and hair loss. Low levels of estrogen can lead to a number of issues such as infertility and bone thinning. 

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Some people might be hesitant to have their hormones checked because it sounds like a big hassle. However, in many cases, it is just as easy as visiting your regular doctor and not having any problems. You can also use a home-testing kit if you are worried about things going wrong with your tests at the doctor's office.

Benefits of Getting Tested

Getting tested for hormone imbalance is not something that you want to put off.

A lot of people don’t think about getting tested for hormone imbalance until they start noticing symptoms such as weight gain, hair loss, or feeling more tired than usual.

Hormones are powerful chemicals that affect the way your body functions and reacts to the world around you. Arranging for a hormone test at low prices for your family that also promises accuracy is not very hard to find these days. If your hormones are out of balance, then you might experience some unpleasant symptoms like mood swings or weight gain. Being aware of hormone imbalances at an early stage can help you and your family avoid a huge list of problems

Hormone Testing Methods Explained

One of the most common hormone tests is a saliva test. This test can be done at home and is used for both men and women. The blood hormone test is usually done in a doctor's office or lab, and it requires a blood sample (typically taken from your arm) and a needle. 

      The most common hormone test is a saliva test which can be done at home and is used for both men and women. A saliva test typically takes about 10 minutes to complete with an initial health history questionnaire answered by the individual, followed by 16-20 droplets of spit that are collected in the provided dropper.

      A blood hormone test is typically done in a doctor's office or lab, and it requires a blood sample (typically taken from your arm).

Saliva hormone tests are less expensive than blood hormone tests.

What are the Types of Hormones We Can Test for?

Hair follicle testing is an effective way to test for hormones. There are many types of hormones that can be tested for. Some include:

      Testosterone - Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It is responsible for the development and maintenance of the male reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics.


      Estrogen- Estrogen is a hormone that is secreted by the ovaries. It has many functions in the body, including regulation of female reproduction and development, as well as bone metabolism. The production of estrogen is regulated by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. It is synthesized from cholesterol in many tissues, including the ovaries, adrenal glands, brain, liver, and skin.


      DHEA- Dhea is a hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands. It is involved in the regulation of several bodily functions, including sexual development and reproduction, mood, and energy levels.


      Melatonin- Melatonin is a hormone that is produced in the pineal gland in the brain. It regulates sleep patterns and other circadian rhythms, such as body temperature.


      Cortisol- The main function of cortisol is to help control the body’s response to stress. When we are under stress, our body releases this hormone along with adrenaline and noradrenaline. These three hormones work together to help us respond to an emergency or stressful situation by making sure that our brain and muscles have enough fuel for an immediate response.


Hormone tests do sound a little intimidating but they are just as important as others. It is true that hormone testing isn't something that is done regularly at clinics but is definitely not unheard of. On the contrary hormone, testing can be done by some very simple methods and the results do not take a lot of time either.