How to Create a Meditation Space

Meditation is a great way to practice mindfulness. It’s more than sitting cross-legged on the floor and not thinking about anything. It’s about teaching your mind to be calm and thinking about the things that have been on your mind without judgment or fear. 

It’s a skill few possess but it’s becoming something more and more people are attempting to accomplish. If you’re interested in learning how to become a master of your own thoughts, check out Create Meditation, which provides easy, actionable steps to practicing meditation. 

In the meantime, while you’re going on your new Meditation journey, you’re going to need a place to practice. You’ll need to choose a spot in your home where you can go to not only be alone but a place where you feel safe and relaxed. Pick a spot that can help you focus on your meditation without the everyday distractions of your life. 

Sometimes, this is your bedroom or an office, sometimes it’s an area outside. Where ever it is, you can add things that make it a calmer, more relaxed space to help you get into the right headspace for meditation. Here are some easy ways you can create the meditation space of your dreams.


Make it comfortable

This is top of my list. I can’t meditate properly if I’m thinking about how uncomfortable I am. Make sure your room is temperature-controlled and cozy. You can add warm blankets or cushioned mats. A nice chair will do too. Just make sure where ever you’re practicing your medication makes you feel warm and cozy.


Choose colors that make you feel calm

Next, add some colors that make you feel calm. For me, it’s pale colors like white, cream, and earthy green. It makes me feel most relaxed when I look at these colors. This might be the case for you. If you’re someone who feels more relaxed with darker colors or even vibrant patterns or colors, then that’s the color you should go with. 


Set the mood

No, I’m not telling you to make it romantic but I am telling you to make sure that it’s a relaxed atmosphere. You can set the mood by lighting some candles or dimming your lights. Quiet mood lighting can help you relax far quicker than in a pitch-black or brightly lit room.

If you’re in a place that’s too dark, it could make you nervous and if you’re in a place that’s too bright, you might not be able to relax at all. Soft lighting makes for a beautiful, relaxing atmosphere that many people can enjoy. 


Make it personal to you

This is a big one. Make sure where you practice your meditation feels like your space. If you choose a room that has all of your roommate’s items in it, then you may have trouble connecting or loving the room you’re trying to practice self-love in. Add some pictures that you like on the wall, and bring in your favorite candles or blankets to make it feel special. 

I even recommend adding a vision board to the wall. That way you can see all your goals for the year and see what you have left to accomplish! It’s also a great way to item something specifically personal to your room. If you’re interested in making a vision board but don’t know where to start, click here


Add some fragrance

Essential oils and candles can help you relax far quicker than you would without them. Also, herbs like sage or lavender have a remarkable relaxing effect as well. The simple act of lighting some sage or a few candles can help you become relaxed. It can signify to the mind that you’re about to slow down, take a deep breath, and think about things inwardly for a while. 


Block out noise

Outside noise is a distraction. You don’t want to be in the middle of meditation and hear the television on or your kids laughing in the background. You want to be able to focus on yourself. It’s something you deserve. 

 Noise, such as calming music or white noise can eliminate some of these sounds for you. That way you won’t be tempted to focus on the tv dialogue in the background or whatever it is your kids are talking about in the other room. Music or white noise can help soothe the mind and let you focus on your meditation more deeply. You can keep changing your music or white noise too as you find the best one for you. 


Make it a no clutter zone

This is something that can be difficult, especially if you’re someone who is busy and tends to keep everything. But if you’re adding boxes and items that you don’t need to meditate with, then you should really consider cleaning out some stuff. 

Clutter can make you feel anxious, which is the last thing you want when you meditate. Make sure you de-clutter the space you’ve chosen as your meditation room before you start practicing. That way, you’ll be in the right headspace when you go to practice mindfulness and won’t be obsessing over the box or junk in the corner.

If you’re looking for some de-cluttering tips, follow the link:


Bring in Nature

 If you’re someone who loves plants, then adding a few to your meditation space is a great way to make your space more inviting. Choose some of your favorite potted plants or add some new ones to the space to bring in the great outdoors and connect with nature.