Are we there yet? 4 ways to make your family vacation an educational one

With the new year in full swing, many of us are already looking ahead to the most anticipated family event of the year: the annual family vacation. We work hard all year long so we can enjoy some much needed rest, relaxation and some quality family time. But do you ever worry about your little ones missing out on their studies during the summer months?
Aphrodites Rock, Cyprus

It’s perfectly normal for studies to take a back seat and things to get a little stagnant during the summer, but have you considered bridging the educational gap by making your family vacation an informative one? Learning isn’t always about numbers and spelling, it’s about discovering new things, experiencing new cultures and learning new things about yourself. 
Boy in Paphos harbour, Cyprus

Read on for 4 ways to make your family vacation an educational one. 
Introduce them to the local culture
It’s always handy to explain to your children what they can expect to see, or what they’re going to experience when they’re out and about. 
If you’re visiting a local museum, do some research on what pieces they can expect to see there. If you have older children, why not indulge them with a trip to the opera – visit this site for opera tickets in Italy – go through the story line with them first and explain what they might hear or see on stage. 
Festivals are a great way for your children to see local celebrations first hand, and to learn more about the beliefs of the region. They’ll be learning so much and won’t even realise it! There's often activities for all ages at a good festival so might be the perfect choice if you holiday as a large family with siblings ranging from toddler to teen.
Help them get to grips with the money
Currency is such a funny thing, and it can look very different from one country to the next! Allowing your little ones to make small purchases or pay for something for you is a great way to help them get to grips with the local currency. 
It encourages them to utilise their math skills and also helps to build confidence and boost their communication skills. It's a great way to teach children the importance of money and teach them to budget. It’s fun too! 
Get them to keep a journal
Not only does a travel journal serve as a wonderful keepsake, but it’s great for comprehension, creativity and of course, writing skills. Each day encourage your child to write down something interesting that happened, or something they experienced or particularly enjoyed. Get them to draw pictures, press flowers or stick in receipts, tickets or other small mementoes of their adventures. 
Children on Southsea seafront, Portsmouth

Try learning a little of the language 
Getting to grips with some simple phrases, can really enhance your child’s holiday experience and their overall learning. Learning a language promotes good memory, concentration, improve decision making and improve their knowledge retention. 
They don’t need to learn an entire language of course, but some simple phrases such as hello and goodbye, or even a way to introduce themselves to local children will significantly open up their world. You can learn phrases together, check out some straightforward videos on You Tube, or consider watching cartoons or their favourite TV shows in the local language.