Why do I need a personal injury lawyer?

Personal injuries can strike at any moment. In the street. At work. On public transport. While
dining in a fine restaurant or while taking in a little culture at a museum. The important thing to
remember is that when you do suffer the surprise of a personal injury, your recovery is of the
utmost concern. 

x-ray.Photo by Harlie Raethel on Unsplash

This could mean medical bills, time away from work, lost earnings, child care costs, and a host of other unforeseen expenditures such as travel to medical appointments and replacement of damaged clothing.

Once you are on the mend, comments from friends and family may be at odds with each other.
For example, one family member might tell you that you don’t need a personal injury lawyer and
that you can direct your claim yourself. In contrast, a friend may tell you that you don’t stand a
chance of securing compensation without a lawyer, and that the lawyer fees deducted from your
payout are worth every penny (see personalinjury.com for more details). So, what should you

Legal knowledge - do you have it?

If you have been injured in a non-fault accident, speaking to a lawyer as soon as possible is in
your interest. Why? Because this isn’t the other side’s insurer’s first time around the block, and
you could get caught out. 

But before that you should be familiar with all aspects of hiring an attorney for such cases. From understanding how a lawyer will assist you in the case to determining your circumstances, there is a lot to examine. You can click here and seek insights to it easily.

For example, you may notice that you receive attention from the other side’s insurer in the immediate hours and days after your injury.

Although this contact may be wrapped in cotton, so to speak, in terms of seeming friendly and simply wishing to catch up on how your recovery is progressing, the fact is that this is in all likelihood an attempt at gathering information that could be used against you - they are literally attempting to force you to say things that could arguably be seen as you having a distorted memory of events, thus relieving their client of partial or even full liability for your accident. 

Speaking to a personal injury lawyer can prevent you from tripping up your own case. 

Cases are based on paperwork. Lots of paperwork.

old fashioned typewriter Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash

If you believe that contacting the party responsible for your injury and simply “warning” them that
you could start legal proceedings if they don’t make in-roads towards assessing the situation
and awarding you the relevant amount of personal injury compensation, you’ve been watching
too many movies where the bad guys pay up and move on. 

The plot twist here is that, in real life, nobody pays a penny without being forced to crowbar open their coffers and hand over the cash under the watchful supervision of the law. 

A lawyer will file all paperwork on time and chase your case. Can you say that you would be able to do the same?