When (&Why) Should You Instruct a Lawyer

I recall the first time I had to instruct a lawyer. I was buying my first ever home so I needed a conveyancing expert. I was only 21 and felt it was probably the most grown-up thing I had ever done and I certainly couldn't have completed all the paperwork and searches without my lawyer. She even sorted out a minor right of way issue which cropped up and all in a tight timeframe to allow me to spend Christmas in my new home.

House sold sign: Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

More recently I have been acting as executer for a family member and have had cause to be very grateful to a wonderful lawyer who has acted as both advisor and mediator in an emotional probate situation which I am very glad to say has now been resolved. 

We actually possibly could have health with this issue ourselves but this was the perfect example of where a trained, qualified and experiences legal expert could make things easier, faster and far less stressful. She even went out of her way to make the process as cheap as possible too.

So, like me, most people only use law firms for house sales and deaths. But there are many other occasions when you might find it easier or more effective to get a lawyer to act for you.


There are many ways to make a will - you can even pick paper copies to fill in yourself at some stationers or download online forms but to avoid mistakes, complications and occasionally destructive relationship issues it might be wise to instruct a lawyer to assist, especially if property or savings are involved.

Last will and testament:Photo by Melinda Gimpel on Unsplash

Make sure the firm you choose has specialists in this area of law, and are au fait with the laws of the land in which your property or finances are based. This is especially vital if you, for instance, own a holiday home in a foreign land.

Criminal Law

If you or a family member rightly or wrongly find yourself on the wrong side of the law, the legal representation you choose can have a major impact on the outcome. Whether guilty or innocent you need someone who will get to know you and support you throughout any investigation and/or court case.

Even if we are talking about a traffic violation, getting the best legal assistance might save your licence and therefore your job. Finding a legal team who you feel comfortable with will also take a load of stress off your shoulders, especially if you are not a hardened criminal who might take police interviews or actual charges in their stride as an occupational hazard.

Debt Recovery

As a small business owner I know how difficult it can be chasing up customers who owe me money and although a strongly worded email will sometimes prompt payment I have experienced the frustration of having clients who just ghost me.

For some businesses being owned significant amounts of money can leaver them on the brink of failure so employing a lawyer can be worthwhile firstly to hopefully recover the debt and secondly to demonstrate to others that they will not just roll over and wipe debts off.

Somehow personal debt recovery is worse, especially if it involves friends or family members. A lawyer acting as intermediary could avoid a lot of arguments and ay actual contact which could potentially turn violent.

These are just a few reasons why you should consider handing your business over to a legal firm like Prime Lawyers Chatswood. Avoid piles of confusing paperwork and potentially costly mistakes and sleep easy at night knowing someone who really knows what they are doing and has your best interests at heart is dealing with your situation.