Skunk Season: 5 Preparation Tips

Very few people willingly go looking for skunks. They don't want to find themselves doused by this animal because that will lead to the need for a tomato bath. Unfortunately, skunks like to live around humans. What should a person know about these critters, and how should they prepare for skunk season? 

Skunks: Photo by Bryan Padron on Unsplash


A person can easily identify a skunk thanks to the distinct markings found on this animal. The black body with a white stripe alerts other animals to their presence so they can steer clear. When a skunk detects a threat, it releases a spray with a strong odor that repels the threat and anything in its vicinity. This odor overwhelms everything around it and hurts a person or animal's eyes because of its strength. 

Homeowners often discover they have a skunk living in the area when they get a whiff of the distinctive odor. Skunks like to dig holes in the ground, and a person might mistake the hole for one made by a squirrel. In addition, the skunk often knocks over plants in containers and bites any low-lying plants in the yard. 

These animals prefer to come out at night. They look for a food source and will wander around until they find one. If they encounter what they perceive as a threat when making this journey, they release the spray. How can a homeowner make their property unattractive to these pests? The following tips provided by become of great help in keeping these animals at bay. 

Clean the Yard

Skunks need food just as every animal does. Remove any potential food sources that may attract these animals. For example, ensure there is no trash lying around the yard. Make certain all items go into the trash can, and close the lid. This ensures any smell coming from the trash won't attract skunks and possibly other critters. Use a thick plastic lid to close the trash can, and always put trash in a plastic bag before putting it in the can. By taking this step, a homeowner removes the possibility of a lingering smell attracting wildlife to the yard. 

Enclose the Garden

Many homes today have a garden. During the global pandemic, numerous people decided to grow their own food. This is not something they carefully planned out, which means they may not have a fence around the garden. A garden without a fence serves as a buffet for skunks and other creatures. They have an ongoing source of food that is easy to access. Put a strong fence around the garden to keep animals out and protect your hard work. 

Skunk:Photo by Bryan Padron on Unsplash

Close Holes

Skunks see any hole and assess whether it will make a good nest. They want a hole that is close to humans so they won't have to search for food. These animals take up residence in rock piles, sheds, decks, and more. To prevent them from taking up residence close to the home, close up these holes. Sealing up openings prevents skunks and other animals from getting in. 

Pet Care

Don't allow pets to go outside at night by themselves. A pet can irritate a skunk without knowing it is doing so, and the pet will often ignore the skunk's warning signs. They then return to the house doused in skunk spray, and the owner has to address the problem before allowing the pet indoors. 

Call the Pros

If you need help with removing skunks from a property, call pest management specialists. They undergo training to capture these animals safely. When they do, the homeowner can enjoy their property once again and won't be forced to soak in a tomato bath before doing so. 

Never interact with a skunk willingly. If you wish to admire this animal, do so from afar. Furthermore, keep these critters away from the home so you don't accidentally scare them and have them spray. Nobody wants to deal with the aftermath of that encounter. These tips help in keeping skunks away from a property, so implement them today and you will have a peaceful spring.