Blinds and Curtain Choices for Your Essex Windows

Curtains and Drapes Are Important!


Curtains are underrated in our lives because we do not even recognize the potential, they have to transform the space we are inhabiting. Can you imagine the most beautiful palaces and palatial spaces without drapes to adorn the windows? We expect those windows to have their own character and style, and to be a reflection of the design sensibilities of the owner or renter fo the space. In a way, just like eyeshadow adorning your eyes and providing you with that pop of color that makes your face stand out, drapes and curtains possess that same interior design ( pizazz that can make a statement about the room they find themselves in.


Here is the thing about drapes: they can fall apart quite easily if not properly put together. They must be sewn with care and precision, and a simple addition of some stretch fabric or a more fitted inseam will not suddenly make your drapes the most stunning designs you have seen. In fact, a focus on the quality of the curtain should not take away from any focus on the aesthetic of the curtains as well. Sadly, people think of Scarlett O’Hara when they consider the potential beauty of drapes and curtains, but they also think that such a classic portrayal means that drapes are stuffy, old fashioned and a relic of a bygone era.


That is simply not the case, because drapes can be considered a part of the fabric (no pun intended) of our society as they are so much cheaper and easier to maintain than many other potential window dressings. There are so many amazing options available to you nowadays — you must understand that in this world of creative cultural and aesthetic advancements, the world of window dressings has not been left out! 

You can learn more online about the window treatments available to you these days and you will discover there is a diverse range of choices available to you that your grandmother would not recognize! There are new and exciting artistic interventions that have happened in the world of draperies, and those are going to be available to you when you are shopping for window treatments these days.



It’s All About The Aesthetic


Do you want your blinds to fit perfectly? That will be a bit more difficult than ensuring your drapes fit perfectly, but it still worth it to invest more carefully in the exact and correct dimensions for your treatments. This is because the items have to be sustainable over the duration of the time you will be living in your home. These treatments also have to be able to be staged beautifully should you be interested in selling. No one wants to see a poorly staged home, and drapes and blinds and curtains and shutters are an important and inexpensive portion of how you can achieve that perfectly staged look without breaking the bank.


Some of the bias and prejudice you probably have against the notion of drapes is directly related to the media portrayals you have experienced so far in your life. For example, when I think of drapes, I think of Hattie McDaniel, whose “Mammy” character sewed a beautiful dress made out of curtains for Vivian Leigh’s character. I remember that McDaniel was not allowed to sit at the Academy Awards ceremony with the rest of the actors and actresses in the film simply because she was African-American. She was the first African-American to win an Oscar, and she was not allowed to attend the ceremony, which is sad and racist and typical of America.


Therefore if you have some sort of knee jerk reaction to drapes, I can totally understand why, especially if you were or are versed in the racist, bigoted history of American cinema. That one experience and that one film has soured many people to the concept of drapes, but you have to understand that in the last 100 years, many major developments have been made to improve our perception of all these items and creature comforts that have that anti-black connotation to them.


The Future of Blinds For You


In decrying drapes, you might see yourself as an iconoclast, but things have changed considerably over time. Now, curtains can signify so much more as people do not have the collective cultural memory to appreciate the history of the way they were depicted in American cinema. Nowadays, films from the 1990s are considered vintage, so that century-old designation is probably dated. The only people worried about curtains are those who are concerned about the potential clashing with the interiors they already have. Amazingly, those interiors cannot be clashed with anymore as the industry has done the work to keep up with the demands and trends of consumers for interior designs nowadays.


This is why the work we put into our interior designs means so much: for many people, these items convey a newfound sense of pride in the space they inhabit. As a result, loving blinds and curtains does not make you silly, instead, it makes you someone who takes pride in their surroundings. And now that curtains are being made of fabrics that are breathable, light and sustainable, the heaviness and idea of tiredness that curtains can give you is entirely optional. I am sure that you have been in many a room that feature black out curtains, which are curtains designed to get your room so dark that you are able to fall asleep immediately. rustic design: you can do what you want! 

Those curtains are still very popular, but so are curtains and blinds made of alternate materials that are more Eco-friendly and socially sustainable. We are making window treatments that are good for the environment these days, and that option will be available to you if you just do a little digging around online. No matter your aesthetic, there is something available for you in the categories of blinds and drapes, especially because designers are willing to push the envelope of what would be considered acceptably good taste many decades ago. We are finally living in an era where people can invest in every sequined pattern they want to or can focus on outfitting their personal space in burlap for a rustic design: you can do what you want!