Promote your Business with Display & Banner Stands

I have lots of talented friends who have their own small businesses and from making jewellery to offering custom health and well-being treatments, I am in awe of how they have taken their ideas and dreams and created a whole new career after having children.

Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

I recall a coffee morning years ago when everyone in the room had small children. We started talking about what we might like to do when we were no longer consumed by nappies and weaning and the like. Not one of us wanted to go back to the jobs we had previously. I am happy to report that every single one of those women is now in the field they fancied working in.

One lady fancied making a career somehow out of her love of crochet - she now not only teaches groups and sells crochet kits with yarn and pattern but also presents on a dedicated craft channel on TV. Another qualified as a nail technician and another took a degree which enables her to practice alternative therapies. One friend now works with children instead of in an office and I have ditched the commute and a grim newspaper office and now work from home doing lots of fun stuff along the way.

Of course a big part of running a successful business is promoting it. I'm lucky in that pretty much all of my promotion is via social media and chatting to people I meet in general life - I always have a stack of business cards in my bag! One can get customized business cards as well as other custom stationery items online also. 

But lots of my friends attend fairs and industry shows to sell their products so for them, a great looking set up is a big part of ensuring that they attract new customers. An easy way to do this is to add a display or banner stand to the mobile set up.

At prices starting at under £100 for a pull up, easily transported roller banner stand even a new business can make their area look professional. In fact these display options are not just for small businesses - charities, churches, schools, large companies and indeed anyone with any event or service to promote can benefit from this kind of display option.

My brother-in-law uses one to promote his business and as an accessory for when he does talks. My sister suggested they are great for tradespeople to pop outside when they are working on a job as a mobile advert.

Times are tough, especially  for lots of small businesses and charities, so anything that helps spread awareness and promote what's on offer has got to be good. If you are currently using an old wallpaper table with a white sheet and home printed posters to advertise your wares it is definitely worth upping your game to make sure you grab your share of the market with both hands.