Pawsitively Healthy: Nutritional Tips for Happy Hounds

Dogs are not just pets, they are family. As dog owners, we all want to ensure that our furry friends live a long and happy life. One of the key factors in achieving this is through proper nutrition.


Just like humans, dogs require a well-balanced diet to thrive. However, with so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right food for your furry companion. In this blog post, we will discuss some nutritional tips that will help keep your hounds happy and healthy.

puppy running on grass:Photo by Cristian Castillo on Unsplash

Understand Your Dog's Nutritional Needs

Before you start changing your dog's diet or incorporating new ingredients, it is important to understand their nutritional needs. Every dog is different and their dietary requirements may vary based on factors such as age, breed, size, activity level, and any existing medical conditions.


Puppies, for example, require a diet that is high in protein and fat to support their active growth. On the other hand, senior dogs may need a lower-calorie diet with added supplements to support joint health.


Consulting with a veterinarian is the best way to determine your dog's specific nutritional needs. They can also advise you on choosing the right food for your dog based on their requirements.

Quality over Quantity

When it comes to dog food, quality should always be prioritized over quantity. It may be tempting to buy cheap brands or to feed your dog larger portions, but this can do more harm than good in the long run.


Low-quality dog food often contains fillers, artificial preservatives, and by-products that offer little nutritional value. These ingredients can lead to health issues such as digestive problems, obesity, and allergies.


Investing in high-quality dog food may cost more upfront, but it will benefit your dog's overall health and save you money on potential vet bills in the future.

Read the Ingredient List

It is important to read the ingredient list on dog food labels to ensure that your dog is getting a balanced and nutritious diet. Look for whole food ingredients such as meat, vegetables, and grains rather than generic terms like "meat by-products" or "animal fat".


Avoid foods that contain artificial flavorings, colors, and preservatives. These ingredients offer no nutritional value and can have negative effects on your dog's health.

Consider Homemade Meals

If you have the time and resources, homemade meals can be a great option for your dog. This allows you to control the quality and variety of ingredients in their diet.


However, it is important to do thorough research and consult with a veterinarian or canine nutritionist before starting your dog on a homemade diet. Dogs have different dietary requirements than humans, and it is important to ensure that their meals are well-balanced and provide all the necessary nutrients.

dog licking its nose:Photo by James Barker on Unsplash

Monitor Your Dog's Weight

Obesity is a common problem among dogs and can lead to serious health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems. It is important to monitor your dog's weight and adjust their diet accordingly.


If your dog is gaining weight, consider reducing their portion sizes or switching to a lower-calorie food. On the other hand, if they are losing weight or seem lethargic, it may be necessary to increase their food intake or switch to a higher-calorie diet.


Consult with your veterinarian if you are unsure about your dog's weight or how to make necessary dietary changes.

Avoid Feeding Table Scraps

As tempting as it may be to give your dog a taste of your food, it is important to avoid feeding them table scraps. Human food can be high in fat and salt, which can lead to digestive problems and obesity in dogs.


Additionally, certain foods such as chocolate, grapes, and onions can be toxic to dogs. Stick to feeding your dog high-quality dog food and treats specifically made for them.

Incorporate Superfoods


Just like humans, dogs can benefit from incorporating superfoods into their diet. These are nutrient-dense foods that offer numerous health benefits.


Some great superfoods for dogs include blueberries, salmon, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes. These ingredients are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote a strong immune system and overall well-being.

Don't Forget About Hydration

Water is just as important for dogs as it is for humans. Dehydration can lead to serious health issues such as kidney problems and heatstroke.


Always make sure your dog has access to fresh and clean water throughout the day. If your dog is not a big drinker, consider adding some low-sodium chicken or beef broth to their water bowl to entice them.

Adjust As They Age

As dogs age, their nutritional needs may change. It is important to adjust their diet accordingly to support their changing bodies.


Senior dogs may require more protein and less fat in their diet to maintain muscle mass and prevent weight gain. Additionally, they may benefit from supplements such as glucosamine for joint health. Consult with your veterinarian on how to adjust your dog's diet as they age.


Nutrition is essential for our canine companions. A well-balanced diet can keep our furry friends healthy and happy, ensuring they thrive for years to come. By understanding your dog's specific nutritional needs, choosing high-quality food, and monitoring their weight, you can provide them with the best possible nutrition. For personalized advice, it's always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or canine nutritionist. 


When it comes to feeding your dog, remember to prioritize quality over quantity. And if you're in Hillsboro, don't hesitate to check out options for dog training that can also improve their overall well-being. With these tips and resources, you can provide your beloved dog with all the tools they need to live their best life.