Mum’s Guide To Keeping The Family Car In Good Health

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The family car is undoubtedly one of the most important assets for supporting hectic family lives. However, it is also one of the biggest ongoing expenses outside of running a home while faults could potentially put your family’s safety at risk too. Therefore, it is essential that you keep it in good health.

Taking care of your vehicle doesn’t have to be the uphill or daunting task that you perceive. Focus on the simple steps below, and you won’t go far wrong.

  1. Keep It Clean

Keeping the vehicle clean should be the top item on every owner’s agenda. After all, it is very easy to let vehicles descend into mobile trash cans. A dedicated strategy to clean the interiors will promote better air quality, which will protect your family’s health. Better still, it keeps the upholstery and other items protected. This could prevent issues like seat belts becoming clogged with debris and generally make the vehicle look and feel nicer. For the best results, you must also clean the exterior on a regular basis.

When the vehicle is clean and organised, it encourages a mindset shift. In turn, you will be eager to implement further steps. On a side note, it helps the vehicle retain more value too.

2. Protect The Tyres

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Every part of the car is important. Nonetheless, it’s the tyres that are in constant contact with the road. Naturally, then, you must pay special attention to them. Flat tyres and bald tyres pose a huge safety risk while also impacting performance levels. Whether you need a repair or a replacement, quick action is crucial. Experts offering mobile car tyres are the best choice because they save you from the risk of diving into a garage. Better still, the services can be arranged at the most convenient time for your family.

It’s also worth checking the air pressure on a weekly basis. Inflating them to the right value only takes a few minutes and will make the ride safe, comfortable, and economical.

3. Look After The Battery

Some faults can be left untreated for a short time, at least until it’s convenient to get the issue checked. A dead battery is not one of them, as it will leave you unable to do anything. While you can get a jump start, the fact is that you need a new battery. Thankfully, you can prolong the life of your car battery with some very simple steps. Firstly, you must run the car at least once every few days. Ideally, you should take it out for a good half-hour drive, particularly in the colder months.

Another critical step is to keep the fluid levels of lead acid batteries topped up. With the right maintenance, the vehicle’s battery should last for a good few years.

4. Top Up All Fluids

As a human, you appreciate that it is far harder to complete daily tasks when you have not fuelled yourself with the right nutrition. Likewise, your vehicle needs the right stuff to perform. Engine oil will keep internal parts lubricated and moving smoothly. Other integral fluids include brake fluid, coolants, power steering fluid, and transmission fluid. Failure to stay on top of these situations can lead to faster wear and tear. You will then start to hear the worrying noises like clanking. Every driver should avoid this at all costs.

Creating a fortnightly reminder on your phone to check/top up the fluids is a wise move. Once you get into the habit of doing this, you should find that the car stays in top shape. 

5. Drive Carefully

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All parents should want to drive safely when children are in the car. However, it’s equally important to do this when they are not in the vehicle too. Aside from preventing potential accidents, driving properly slows the impact of wear and tear on the brakes. Likewise, suspensions and wheel axles will thank you for avoiding dangerous driving. You can take defensive driving courses to become safer behind the wheel. In truth, though, sticking to speed limits and being aware of your surroundings is most vital.

Drowsy driving is another commonly overlooked issue. If you feel tired, take a break. When combined with hydration, you’ll be able to protect yourself, your family, and the vehicle.

6. Protect It From Others

Implementing the right steps to keep the care performing as it should is one thing, but you must also consider outside threats. The harsh reality is that vehicle theft is a major issue while vandalism is another common problem. Ideally, you will keep the car stored in a garage at night. However, if you don’t have this option, a car jacket is a great alternative. Crucially, you must use alarms and may want to consider steering wheel locks. It’s far better to prevent a disaster than respond to one.

If going away on vacation, you could also leave the vehicle in a self-storage facility or with a friend. Above all else, having the vehicle protected will keep your mind at ease.