How To Get Kids To Love Their New Bedroom

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When it comes to their bedrooms, some kids can be fussy. They want everything to be just right – how they like it. 

Of course, sometimes as a parent, you have to move them to a new room. And when this happens, it can be hard to convince them to go. 

Fortunately, this post is here to help. We look at some clever tactics parents can use to convince their kids to love their new bedrooms and make home life more blissful. 

Warn Them Beforehand

If you’re going to switch your kids’ bedroom to another room, warn them beforehand. Don’t leave it as a surprise. 

Start by telling them about the new room and how great the space is. Then, spend some time in it to let them figure it out. Try playing with their toys or reading a book to them in the new space. 

Once you’ve done that, ask about sleeping in the room permanently. Point out why it’s better than their existing sleeping arrangements and how it will improve their lives. 

Keep returning to the room and spending time in it day after day. Ensure you get them used to the idea of being in the space and thinking of it as their own. The more you do this, the more they will likely accept the transition when it finally happens. 

Avoid Forcing

Try to avoid making it seem like you’re forcing your child to switch bedrooms. Just frame it as a natural part of life and something that’s about growing up and becoming “big and strong.”

If you confront them over the issue, it is more likely to create problems. Brave parents actually decorate the new room before vacating the old one. This tactic can help to make some children get excited about the prospect of moving and actually want to make the switch. 

Get Them Involved

You can also get kids to love their new bedroom by getting them involved in the fit-out process. Giving them more control over the space helps to make it feel like their own, and less like something you’re imposing on them. 

Of course, giving children full control over the décor can be risky, but it can also work if you give them a selection of approved options. For example, you might offer them a choice of Banana Man or Superman bed sheets. Check out these tips on how to sell on Vinted to make money out of any old bedding, clothes toys etc.

Try to consult with your child whenever you can to vet your plans. Getting them to give you the all-clear gives you confidence and helps you determine whether you're on the right track. The more of their ideas you can include, the better. 

Make Their Existing Bedroom Worse

Another tactic to get them to move is to make their existing bedroom worse somehow. Doing something that gives them a nudge in the preferred direction can profoundly affect their decision to move voluntarily. 

For example, you might start putting their toys in the new room. This tactic makes the bedroom less appealing and encourages them to spend more time in the new space. 

Another strategy is to convert the room next door into a noisy office or music studio. Loud noises at night can encourage them to shift into the new room to get shut-eye there. 

Add Comfy, Welcoming Elements

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You can also try adding more comfortable and welcoming elements to the space. The more you can leverage these, the more likely you will see results. 

For example, you could add a happy plushie to the room to make it feel less scary. These big cuddly toys are like good friends, encouraging children to use the room. 

Another tactic is to add soft furnishings and pillowy bedding to make the room more comfortable. Appealing to your child’s desire to feel warm and protected can encourage them to take the plunge and call a new room their own. 

If your child likes sitting in their bedroom, adding throw blankets to chairs and sofas could also help. These can keep them comfortable while playing video games, reading, playing with toys, or listening to music. 

Display Items They Love

Displaying items your child loves is another way to encourage them to use the new room. Putting up their favorite artwork or holiday mementos can help them feel like a new room is theirs.

Think carefully about the items your child treasures the most and create a list. Then, add these to their new bedroom to encourage them to enjoy it more.

For example, you might put an old games console in the corner they enjoyed playing when younger, or a doll’s house. These small changes can adjust their attitude to the new room and help them see it in a new light. 

Make The Room Appropriate For Their Age

You also want to make the room appropriate for the child’s age. If it doesn’t quite fit their image of themselves and who they feel they are, the risks of rejection and tantrums are higher. 

Think carefully about where your child is in their development. Some children progress faster than others, so it is critical to make a room that appeals to them. 

Once children get past the toddler stage and start school, this aspect becomes increasingly important. Many kids want “cool” bedrooms that reflect their interests and trends.

As a parent, you may need to interview your child on this subject. Try to get to the bottom of what they want, paying attention to the specifics. Don’t just assume you know exactly what they need based on a brief description. Get them to show you pictures of their idea of a dream bedroom online and in catalogs. 

Add Various Zones

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Some parents try adding various zones to bedrooms to make them more appealing to their children. Splitting the space into areas for sleeping, playing, and studying can help the space feel more exciting by revealing its potential. It also shows them the immediate benefits they can get from the room. It’s not just a blank canvas. 

The most critical zone is the sleeping area. Usually, this part is the largest.

The next is a desk and chair for studying (if the child is old enough). You can tell them you made this section to help them with schoolwork. A place to study helps them get it done faster.

Finally, add a play area. These spaces provide another space for children to enjoy themselves, away from the playroom and other communal areas in your home

Layer The Lighting

You might also want to try layering the lighting. While the concept might sound strange, it can help to make a room more appealing. 

Rooms that are too bright often appear stark and unwelcoming to children at night. But those that seem too dark are also problematic since younger kids might worry about ghosts and monsters. 

The trick here is to get the balance right and provide ways for your child to control the lighting arrangements. Layering lighting helps to get the balance right, providing them with brightness when needed, but also dimming capabilities. Children appreciate having both available to them, making it more likely they will adapt and adjust to their new room. 

Add Labeled Storage

Adding labeled storage is another parental tactic to encourage a child to love their new bedroom. Organizing everything around their needs makes them feel pampered and, sometimes, happier about their space. 

You can split up storage how you want. For example, you might want a space for toys and another one for clothes. Extra room for books is also helpful and can encourage your child to read. Simply keeping them in their space increases the likelihood they will become literate and numerate when they are older. 

Add Calming Sounds

Playing calming sounds in the bedroom might also help convince them to use it (without argument). Once they associate feeling relaxed with the new space, they are more likely to want to stay in it. 

For example, you could put them down for a nap in the new room and play white noise to turn off their stress response. You could also play gentle, meditative music to put them in a calm mood and begin forming a positive bond with the new bedroom. 

Sleeping in the room yourself for a couple of nights with them could also grease the wheels. Getting them used to the new environment could have a profoundly positive effect on them. 

Have A Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

Finally, some parents try to ingratiate themselves with their children and reduce resistance to new bedrooms with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. These get kids involved in officially opening their new rooms, allowing them to have fun at the same time. 

Ribbon-cutting is something usually only performed by VIPs. But creating a ceremony yourself is easy. Just buy some ribbon from a store and tape it across the bedroom door once finished. Then your child can simply snip it for the grand opening. 

So, there you have it: some techniques you can use to get kids to love their new bedroom. Which will you use?